Scott Hasson | Photography

Nature's Design
"Nature's Design" series is a compilation of images that focus on the abstract patterns and carvings created by natures continuous transformations. This series has taken me deep into the canyons of the desert southwest and high into the hills of the Rocky Mountains. Both the beauty and the dangerous elements of these landscapes have allowed me to create unique photographs with adventurous stories behind each image.

I set this image up after the masses had gone. This is one of my favorites, 2 1/2 hour exposure with light painting. If you look close you can see my silhouette just below the arch.

This shot was taken on Mt. Evans Bristlecone Pine forest. After a long day hiking around Mt. Evans I came across this Bristlecone which had the coolest twisted trunk.

Once again alone in the wilderness with only the desert stillness. This image was taken in southern Utah at dusk. A double exposure, one for the sky then hung out for an hour and painted in the foreground and Toadstool.

My first image experimenting with light painting. This image set the groundwork for the Nature's Design series. I learned a lot with setting this image up. Most important, leave enough time to compose before it gets dark.

My favorite image in the series, Night Race at the Race Track, Death Valley NP. This is a freaky place were the boulders come down onto the playa and with just the right conditions of wind and ice they will move along the playa and create long winding tracks. Very cool spot but also very remote. I was there for a full 24 hours and saw no one, just the way I like it.....

Sand Dunes National Park in the moonlight

I had high hopes for this image while I was composing it. This is a much different perspective of a very famous arch in Arches National Park. Another peaceful evening in Arches. I remember there was someone playing the Saxophone about 500 yards away. Very cool sound bouncing off all the rock.

Death Valley is quite an interesting place. Beautiful and photogenic for sure, however very eerie and desolate almost creepy at times. This image is of the Salt Flats just after Dusk.

This image was taken on the Continental Divide just before sunset. It was a backbreaker snowshoeing up to the Divide with the heavy pack, but rewarded with an amazing sunset.

I took this image while on a backpacking trip in southeast Utah. I was drawn to the sandstone and its dark and light tones.

Buckskin Gulch is a beautiful slot canyon in Southern Utah. This image was taken with the last light of the day near our camp at the confluence.

This somewhat simple image took me about an hour to compose. Was not able to stay dry....